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Through the exchange of industries and cultures across national boundaries,
I want to help make the world a little richer.

Activity Philosophy

Based on global issues of common interest and trending topics, we connect like-minded people, provide a forum where they can learn best practices, and develop projects that build win-win relationships.

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President & Founder

Hironobu Matsuura

I believe that we are born with the purpose of using our strengths to please others.
We are part of a larger community with people, nature and the Earth all over the world, and we want to enjoy each other's unique charms through this unique connection.

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Vice President Fundraising & Co-Founder

Masashi Katagiri

I joined Empath with the desire to make the world a little richer. My own career has been in management positions in business areas such as sales in IT companies, so I use that knowledge and knowledge to run the Empath organization. We cannot move the world alone, but I hope to become a big whirlpool that involves various stakeholders and makes the world a little richer.


Vice President Operations & Co-Founder

Lance Inimgba

I work at EmPath because I am passionate about helping individuals overcome barriers and enjoy the joys of independent activity. EmPath's mission aligns with my values, and through innovative approaches, we help people develop the skills and resources they need to build a brighter future.

EmPath Representative for North America: Marie-Laure Polydore

Marie-Laure believes that sustainable economic development enriched by culture strengthens connections with the environment and community. Integrating cultural values into economic activity ensures responsible resource use and strengthens societies. Empath Foundation balances economic success and cultural vitality to foster stronger communities.


Auditor Yukako Tanaka

By working on the foundation, I have come into contact with diverse values, overturned stereotypes, and learned the importance of deepening understanding of others. I believe that interacting with people from different backgrounds broadens our horizons and fosters tolerance. I would like to make steady progress, even if it is just a little at a time, and build a better future together with EmPath.

Honorary Advisor Hideki Makihara

Minister of Justice, Former Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Former Vice Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, Member of the House of Representatives

His motto is "Unrelenting effort, where there's a will, there's a way."

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